Port of Kemi Ltd and Kemi Shipping Ltd commissioned a customer satisfaction survey

During the spring Port of Kemi Ltd. and Kemi Shipping Ltd. commissioned in concert a customer satisfaction survey about the quality of services based on the values of the two companies and how to improve those services.

The survey was conducted as a thesis work by the Lapland University of applied sciences and it received 20 responses from the customers and co-operation partners of the two companies.

According to the results of the survey, port of Kemi is seen as very responsible, efficient and agile actor. Especially the environmental responsibility of the port was acknowledged. The collaboration at the port is working excellently and the expectations of the customers and co-operation partners are heard. The respondents of the survey also felt that operational procedures of the port are very efficient and compact. Operational safety when moving and working within the port area was rated high and the correspondents felt that the port took safety issues seriously. According to the results of the survey, the port has an open-minded atmosphere and the quality of the services is excellent.

The survey pointed out some issues that need improvement. According to some of the respondents, the operational flexibility and the efficient use of the resources should be enhanced. And even though the safety issues were rated high, some respondents hoped for a tighter monitoring of the speed limits. The port should also pay more attention to its visibility and come more actively to the customer.

Port of Kemi Ltd. and Kemi Shipping Ltd would like to thank the participants of the survey. The survey gave useful and constructive feedback to develop the operations of the companies.

We aim to be worth of Your trust also in the future!

More information:
Managing Director Markku Rautio, Port of Kemi Ltd, tel. +358 40 844 1350
markku.rautio@keminsatama.fi  |  www.portofkemi.fi/

Managing Director Kari Anttila, Kemi Shipping Ltd, tel. +358 40 766 4872
kari.anttila@kemishipping.fi  |  www.kemishipping.fi/


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