Services Vessel services

Port of Kemi provides comprehensive services for vessels visiting the port. Around the clock vessel services are carried out by the skilled port security.

Vessel services at Port of Kemi

mooring and unmooring

Mooring, unmooring and shifting services for vessels are provided 24/7 and they are ordered from the port security.

water supply for vessels

Freah water for vessels is supplied 24/7. Fresh water is ordered from port security well in advance before the vessel arrival to the port.

power supply for vessels

Port of Kemi is equipped with ground power connections for vessels. The power is ordered from port security.

waste management for vessels

The waste management instructions of Port of Kemi guides the vessels to appropriate recycling and waste management. For more information of the waste handling and when experiencing problems, please contact port security.

waste management instructions

waste collection stations


Baltic sea ports are using No Special Fee -payment system, whereby vessels are charged a waste fee when they visit a Baltic sea port regardless the vessel has left any waste at the port or not. In port of Kemi, the vessels are charged a fee of domestic waste disposal on each vessel call at the port.

No Special Fee -info

Matters related to vessel services, please contact

Port security 24 h
tel. +358 40 548 2065

Eero-Pekka Svärd
Harbour master
tel. +358 40 648 2728