Testing the new quay

Started in the spring 2021, the biggest expansion in the history of port of Kemi has moved ahead to finishing and testing phases.

The expansion work has advanced as planned and finishing work as well as testing is now underway in the expansion area. -At the moment, an inspection of the safe clearance depth is ongoing in the dock area according to the specifications of the Finnis Transport and Communications Agency Traficom. The inspection will be finished by the end of August after which Traficom will give the green light for the new waterway, tells Jari Heikkilä, Technical Manager of Port Of Kemi and continues -The expansion project has affected the entire port, for example we have upgraded the ICT-infrastructure and build new freah water and sewage systems. Also, the quay numbers in Ajos have changed during the project.

On Thursday the 10th of August the new quay and new electrical stowing equipment of the port operator Kemi Shipping were tested when cargo vessel Launkaline was moored on the new quay. The vessel visit succeeded well and it gave good experience. – Once we get the Traficom’s approval for the new waterway much larger vessels can visit Port of Kemi says Heikkilä.

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