Instructions Port regulations

To ensure safe and fluent operations the harbor regulations of Port of Kemi is followed. The harbor regulations complete the valid laws and regulations as well as the acts derived from them.

The new harbor regulations of Port of Kemi enters into force on 1.9.2022 and is valid until further notice.

Port of Kemi’s port regulations can be found here.

A map of the port area can be found here

The harbor regulations are to be followed on land and water areas administered by Port of Kemi. The port area referred to in the harbor regulations, consists of land and water areas owned by Port of Kemi.

Matters concerning the harbor regulations, please contact

Jukka Kotajärvi
Traffic manager
tel. +358 40 504 0466

Markku Rautio
tel. +358 40 844 1350

Hannu Tikkala
CFO, Marketing
tel. +358 40 834 4953