The port of Kemi’s history’s biggest project, concerning to Metsä’s new bioproduct mill, is proceeding as planned and will complete in the end of summer 2023. With new, over 400 meters long quay and deep-water fairway and dock port of Kemi can offer cost-efficient and even more versatile services.
Port Of Kemi Ltd. has several different projects planned and ongoing such as projects concerning renewable energy and a major IT-project in which safety and security are improved and a private 5G network is build, to mention few things. Also, Port of Kemi is building new storage areas e.g. 20 ha right next to the new quay and 3 ha besides Ajoksentie, the main road to the port.
During summer 2022, port of Kemi handled manifold project cargo such as windmills and parts for Metsä Fibre’s new bioproduct mill of which some were exceptionally large in size. – Adjusting the transportation of the exceptionally large cargo into the port’s other operations was a bit of a challenge at times, but in co-operation with our highly qualified operators, stevedores and special transport operators everything went on as planned. Those project cargo operations also verified port of Kemi’s versatility and resiliency in cargo handling, says Markku Rautio, the CEO of Port Of Kemi Ltd.
– Lately we have heard rumours telling, that because the improvements of highway E8 in Simo, it is not possible to transport windmills or any other project cargo from port of Kemi anymore. This is not true, those improvements in Simo does not have an influence in the operations in port of Kemi, all project cargo is and will be handled as before. Only the routes from Simo via Ranuantie the transport operators might have to redesign, tells Port Of Kemi Ltd.’s CFO Hannu Tikkala and continues: – The project cargo’s thoroughfares to port of Kemi and from port to destination by road are one of the most easily accessible in Finland, if not the easiest. From the port, there is a straight, unobstructed route to the highway E8 and through that to everywhere in Finland, Scandinavia and North Calotte.
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