Corona virus instructions

Port of Kemi takes precautions to avoid the corona virus infection.

In case of corona virus, there are no specific procedures for Port of Kemi or other ports handling cargo (and no passengers). In cargo ports the biggest threat for the virus to spread are staged crews that could carry the virus. Some ports have voluntarily taken into use a procedure in which the transactions with the crews are taken care by phone or via email.

As known now, the corona virus spreads from person to another in close contact (less than 2 m) through droplet infection. With corona virus, as well as with all influenza, taking good care of hygiene is essential. The best way to prevent the virus or influenza from spreading is to attend adequate hand hygiene and coughing correctly to avoid others from getting infected. It’s also good to avoid contact with people who have caught the virus and remember not to go to work when sick, these precautions help to avoid the disease from spreading. In case any symptoms emerge, contact immediately the nearest health care unit.

At the Port of Kemi premises, the current quality level of cleaning is adequate. If necessary, the level of cleaning is to be increased according to instructions given by the authorities.

The Port of Kemi closely follows the current information on the corona virus and complies with the instructions given by the national health care authorities and the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. More information can be read here.

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